The Portrait of God as an Artist and Humanist: The Artist and Humanist as the Agent of Peace in the 21st Century

Author Details

Maduabuchi Dukor

Journal Details


Published: 15 April 2019 | Article Type :


In this age of globalised world, peace initiatives from arts and cultures of different nations and cultures must come to the centre stage of global cognition and recognition as this is the way nations and people will imaginatively and culturally come to agreement in one voice on multilateral and bilateral issues bordering mankind. Humanities studies about human culture such as literature, philosophy, history including visual, auditory or performing arts. All together Arts and Humanities are practice and theory of culture.

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How to Cite


Maduabuchi Dukor. (2019-04-15). "The Portrait of God as an Artist and Humanist: The Artist and Humanist as the Agent of Peace in the 21st Century." *Volume 1*, 2, 1-7